Genentech Respiratory Booth

The renderings below are a series of concepts that I created while at Giant Creative Strategy for a Genentech Booth at a Respiratory Medical Conference.

Early Concepts - 1

Booth show piece - Hologram of human body showcasing the effects our environment has on our lungs

Aerial view - Showcasing educational flooring

Aerial view - Showcasing educational flooring

Perspective view  - Showcasing how people would move around the space

Perspective view - Showcasing how people would move around the space

Early Concepts 2

Perspective view 1 - Showcasing educational monitors

Perspective view 1 - Showcasing educational monitors

Perspective view 2 - Showcasing how people would engage with the space

Perspective view 2 - Showcasing how people would engage with the space

Final Concepts

Option C.png
Interior View_a.png
Option B_v4.jpg
Interior View_c.png